The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation, Kumbakonam Division, is likely to suspend the operation of its services through and to Old Bus Stand at Tiruvarur once the area is blocked for vehicular traffic to facilitate reconstruction of the bus stand.
According to official sources, though the Tiruvarur Traffic Police had requested TNSTC to operate their services passing through the Old Bus Stand from Tiruvarur New Bus Stand to Mayiladuthurai, Karaikal and Chennai on the alternate route – the New Bridge, EB Junction, Vadakandam and Gangalancheri and use the Gangalancheri, Vadakkuveethi, Alankar Junction, EB Junction and New Bridge route in the opposite direction – till the reconstruction of Old Bus Stand gets completed, the TNSTC is said to have decided to continue to operate its services to Mayiladuthurai, Karaikal and Chennai through the Old Bus Stand area until the area is blocked for vehicular movement by the authorities.